Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holidays #2: Advent Workshop, Cookies, and Santa... Oh My!!!

The holidays started of with Advent Workshop at our church. This is the first year that Michael has truly been old enough to appreciate the activities. Gwynaeth had fun as well. She was passed around and cooed at enough to make any Momma proud!

 Making ornaments
Gingerbread Houses
Gwynaeth and Katie

Next on our Christmas list of things to do, was making cookies. I found this recipe online. It's very easy. Just use sugar cookie dough, and I think the rest is self-explanatory! MaMaw and PaPaw came over to help.

I love the random one with blue eyes!

It's just not Christmas until you've seen the man in the big red suit. We went to the Kell House to the annual "Santa's House." It's cute and rather cheesy, but I love it! We invited our sweet neighbors Katelyn and Sean to come along. Gwynaeth is in her sling on my hip, so she's not in any of the pictures.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holidays #1

If you know me, you know I hate the cold. Despite my loathing for frigid temperatures, Christmas is my favorite time of year. If you've ever been to my house, you know that I decorate... a lot. My grandpa always tells the same joke every year: "If you sit still long enough in my, Tamara's , or Sarah's house, you'll get decorated." It's true. I come from a long line of Christmas-happy decorators. Despite the fact that I'm super cheesy and traditional at Christmas, there is one thing I've never had... a real Christmas tree. I'm allergic to pine... BOO! I had always dreamed of riding in a sleigh, out in the snow to pick my tree. I have never had the experience of going out and choosing my own tree... Until this year. While visiting my mother-in-law, I finally got to go to a tree farm to pick a tree. There was no snow involved (she lives near Beaumont) but instead of a sleigh, we loaded up in the Xterra and had a fabulous afternoon!

Michael was upset that we couldn't take a tree to our house.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


And Now for Something Completely Different!
Blob to soon be updated... and regular!

Friday, August 21, 2009

True Blood party

Pondering the meaning behind the episode... or just the meaning of life?

True Blood party

Ohhhh baby!!

Summer Fun

We've started this tradition over the summer of having True Blood parties. Every Sunday, a different person/couple cooks the main dish and everyone else brings a side dish or dessert. Sunday night has quickly become my favorite night of the week.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I bought a hat 6/7/08

I have wanted a Fadora forever! I finally bought one today. It looks just like the one SJP wears in SatC. I love it. Karl hates it. Oh well. I wear it when he doesn't have to look at me! :)